The Baltimore County Coalition of the Maryland Lynching Memorial Project announces a Racial Justice Poetry Contest for 8th graders attending Baltimore County public, parochial, and independent schools. The contest is also open to 8th graders who receive their education in homeschool communities in Baltimore County.
Additional contest details may be found HERE.
The top five entrees will receive the following:
$100 cash
Publication of their poems on the Maryland Lynching Memorial Project (MLMP) website
An invitation to read their poems at a public event on July 13, 2022
A free poetry recitation workshop with DewMore Baltimore.
All entries for the Racial Justice Poetry Contest must be submitted HERE by 11:59 p.m. on April 22, 2022.
Teachers interested in attending live webinars on how to prepare students for writing poetry that deals with the subject of racism and racial justice may join the following, free virtual sessions:
Questions? Contact us at RacialJusticePoetryContest@gmail.com.